We go where the need is. At BMI, our staff will promote our services and identify who is eligible for our services. Because we work with ex-offenders, those with substance use disorders, TANF, and other similar populations, our work is not limited to sitting behind a desk. We actively engage social service agencies in hopes that they have identified individuals who are ready to work.
The VAST, administered through structured conversations, will appraise the individual’s work/training background, general functional capacities, and social/behavioral behaviors. In addition, the VAST will assess medical factors, educational background, along with work preferences, strengths, values, skills, abilities, level of motivation to work and potential barriers, in order to determine the client’s level of work-readiness.
Our collaborative process with our clients assesses, plans, implements, coordinates/links, monitors, and evaluates the many options available to meet the expansive needs of our clients. By working with our clients, we are able to allow the client to remain in the driver’s seat, so to speak, in identifying and reaching his or her vocational goal. Our case managers:
- Have a knowledge-base of available community resources in the event a client is in need of extensive services beyond employment;
- Will link participants with appropriate resources in the community so that extensive barriers are addressed and remediated. These services may include, but not limited to mental health, substance abuse, legal services, and obtaining government issued identification;
- Will oversee and monitor the progress of the client to ensure that the identified service goals and treatment are adhered;
- Will coordinate their activities with designated agency representatives, e.g., Reentry Specialists and Parole to help assist the participant with adherence to supervision requirements; and
Case managers will conduct comprehensive job readiness services focused on enhancing skills needed to sustain employment.
We put people to work! We help clients choose, get, and keep a job. Our placement specialists have more than a combined 35 years of locating suitable employment for disadvantaged individuals. We pride ourselves on working closely with employers and building upon our database of employers so that we are able to find the best jobs to meet the needs of those we serve.
We work closely with employers to develop and implement an intervention plan focused on assisting the client with maintaining employment and becoming self-sufficient. Due to our strong relationship with employers, our record of accomplishment, showing that more than 80% of those employed maintained employment for 90 days or more, will continue.
If your agency does not have a strong emphasis on employment or a good track record for putting people to work, we may be able to assist you with your employment needs. For more information regarding our sub-contracting services, please call 1-800-514-1350.
Not everyone knows how to write a resume, showing accomplishments on a resume, or how to ask relevant questions during a job interview. At BMI, we conduct workshops and presentations that assist you in being the best candidate for the job you want or need. For more information on booking a workshop or presentation, please call 1-800-514-1350.
To turn obstacles into opportunity one family at a time; one child at a time through scholarship, academic access, and mentoring.
- To see disadvantaged children access opportunity that will transpire their lives.
- To see men become active, involved, and responsible fathers to and for their children.
Make a donation to DADS to help
- Send children to sleep away summer camp
- Frost Valley
- Fair View Lakes
- Camp Hoover
- Defray college tuition costs